Getting started is always difficult in the beginning. I seem to spend half the time watching many YouTube videos and signing up training programmes and making it look so easy. Nothing is easy until you make a START! That is with everything, even writing this blog has taken me a bit of time to do (smile).

So here I go,  like everything it is very daunting to get going they make everything look so easy on social media, but you must remember many of these bloggers, YouTubers Instagram’s, Facebook lives, classes, crafters, there have been building and  doing this for years, it takes a while to have presented on social media (smile).

Everything you do on social media is and should be constant and consistency, so you must decide if and how you want to run a business or not. The beauty with Stampin’ Up! you can become demonstrator without run a business.

That means you can take advantage of receiving 20% off orders and I love that…

So let us get started…